Get Inspired [Projects]

🗺️ Compression of Geospatial Data with Varying Information Density

(Code for Earth 2023 - ECMWF) Use xbitinfo to compress geospatial data by preserving mutual bitwise information on a chunk-by-chunk basis.

🌧️ Morocco’s Precipitations Dashboard

Full stack application that represents a geoportal for exploration, visualization and analysis and forecasting rainfall data in Morocco.

🌳[Binary Classifier] CNN U-Net for classifiying tree specie

Using CNN (convolutional neural networks) to map forest tree species in high resolution UAV-based RGB-imagery.

🏠 Integrating a module to 3d scan a house within the MapMint4ME android application

(OSGeo - MapMint | GSoC 2021) This project allows a minimalist 3D scan (taking multiple pictures, recording camera position, using opendrone map to rebuild the 3D scene) with the house faces (accessible/visible faces) then load it as georeferenced data with the database and being able to export the data back on MapMint for 3D viewing.

🏢 BIM Harambee AFRICA Competition

Produce BIM as-Built Model of Topo departement in IAVH2 campus.

😷 COVID-19 Data Visualization Dashboard

This mini-project was a part of the course of Web-Mapping (2021-22) by Prof Hicham HAJJI.

👓 3D modeling & VR immersive visit ↗

Produce a 3D model of Topo departement in IAVH2 campus, and use it to create an immersive virtual reality experience - An AMETOP students association project.

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📉 Benford’s Law for to quality assessment of DEM

🌍 Supervised Classification of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery using KNN